ISO 9885:1991 download free

07-27-2021 comment

ISO 9885:1991 download free.Wide-mouth glass containers – Deviation from flatness of top sealing surface – Test methods.
ISO 9885 specifies two complementary test methods for the determination or the deviation from flatness of the top sealing surface of wide-mouth glass containers.
it applies to wide-mouth glass containers, designated for sterilization and other purposes, where a hermetic seal is required.
2 NormatIve reference
The following standard contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of ISO 9885. At the time of publication, the edition Indicated was valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on ISO 9885 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the standard indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 7348:1991, Glass containers — Manufacture — Vocabulary.
3 DefinItions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given in ISO 7348 and the following definitIon apply.
3.1 devIation from flatness of top sealing surface:
Quantitative measure of a saddled finish.
1 A saddl.d finish usually occurs after the contain., has been properly formed and before It leaves the annealing lehr,
2 Th. deviation from flatness of (he top sealing surface should not be confused with the 0non-parall&lsm of finish with reference to container base’ which i dealt with In ISO 9009:1991, Glass containers — Height and nonparallelIsm of finish with reference to container base — Test methods,
4 PrincIple
4.1 Quick check to determine whether the top sealing surface meets predetermined flatness requirements.
4.2 Measurement of (he distance between the top sealing surface and a fiat plate pressed onto this surface.
5 Apparatus
5.1 Horizontal flat basepiat.
5.2 Feeler gauges, In steps of 0.05 mm, I.e.
0,05 mm, 0,1 mm, etc.
NOTE 3 For rapid Inspection, and especially for automatic cheddng. other apparatus exist. An example of such an apparatus works by measuring how good is the vacuum produced when the container is Inverted on a standard rubber base and exhausted.
6 SamplIng
Sampling shall form the subjeci of agreement between the parties concerned.
7 Procedure
7.1 General
Invert the container on the horizontal flat baseplate (5.1). If the container rocks, allow It to stabilize before continuing with the determination.
7.2 QuIck check to determine whether the top sealing surfac. m..ts pred.termlned flatness requirements
7.2.1 Select a feeler gauge (5.2) or the same thickness as the out-of-flatness deviation permitted.
7.2.2 Try to insert the feeler gauge In the gap. If present, between the baseplate and the top sealing surface throughout the circumference of the finish. During this operation the gauge shall lie flat on the baseplate and shall be moved smoothly on It. The feeler gauge is considored to be Inserted when Its head reaches over the Inside edge of the finish, provided that during this operation the container under test does no( rock or exhibit any other mollon.
7.2.3 If the gauge cannot be inserted from any direction, the container Is considered to meet the flatness requirement.
7.2.4 If the gauge can be inserted, repeat the procedure described In 7.2.2 using the next thicker gauge. If this second gauge cannot be Inserted, the container is considered to meet the flatness requirement. If this second gauge can be inserted, the container Is considered as not meeting the flatness requirement.
7.3 DetermInation of deviation from flatness of top seaiing surface
7.3.1 AccordIng to the case, select a feeler gauge of the same thickness as the out-of-flatness deviation permitted, or select the smallest gauge or the second smallest gauge (i.e. 0,1 mm).
7.3.2 Try to Insert the feeler gauge selected, using the same procedure as described in 7.2.2.
7.3.3 Continue the determination using smaller or larger gauges as necessary. The determination is terminated when two gauges are identified which differ in thickness by not more than one step (I.e. 0,05 mm). the smaller one of which can be Inserted and the larger one of which cannot
8 ExpressIon of results
8.1 QuIck check (7.2)
if results by attributes are required, take as the resuft the number of containers which meet the flatness requirement.
8.2 DetermInation (7.3)
For each container tested, take as the result the thickness, in millimetres, 01 the smailer of the two gauges Identified in 7.33.
9 Test report
The test report shall specify the following information:
a) reference to ISO 9885;
b) rererence to the test method(s) used (i.e. 7.2 and/or 7.3);
c) the size or the sample and the type of container tested;
d) manufacturing details;
e) the type of apparatus used;
f) the results obtained;
g) the tester’s name and signalure. and date of test.

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