BS ISO 30405:2016 pdf free download

06-28-2021 comment

BS ISO 30405:2016 pdf free download.Human resource management – Guidelines on recruitment.
The purpose of identifying a potential talent pool is to create awareness about the organization (employer brand) and to attract the interest ol potential applicants. This stage of the recruitment process does not typically Identify characteristics of specific vacancies or open positions. Employer branding reflects an organization’s past, current and desired future reputation as a place to work, as well as the Image It projects. The goal of these activities Is to assist In moving potential talent to the talent pool. A key activity Is to articulate and communicate relevant Information to current employees and prospective applicants, and to ensure that it is consistent to both.
Employer brand refers to the percepttons people have about an organization as an employer. The employer brand affects an organization’s ability to attract people and engage and retain current employees.
Communications about the employer brand can Include (but are not limited to) the following:
— a description of the organization’s purpose, strategy, culture and values:
— a description of the tangible and intangible rewards employees receive in return for their contributions,
For more information on the employer brand, see Annex A.
4.3 Talent pool
4.3.1 General
The talent pool consists of people who possess the knowledge. skills, abilities and other characteristics for a specific job. The goal of the recruitment activities pertaining to the talent pool Include:
— alerting current employees to job opportunities within an organization;
— informing non-employees that jobs are available.
This clause provides guidance on activities and necessary decisions to move people from the talent pool to the applicant poo1.
NOTE The talent pool is sometimes referred to as the external supply of labour. e.g. all engineering graduates or all individuals who possess a degree in nursing and are licensed to practice.
4.32 ldent1f’ and/or confirm characteristics of the vacancy/opening
The objective at this stage Is to identify and/or confirm the purpose, functions and characteristics of the job for which they are recruiting. People with knowledge of the position should be consulted to ensure information Is current and accurate. If the open position is a replacement, the job description should be checked and updated if necessary. A ab description needs to be created if none exists. The following items should be included:
a) date of vacancy;
b) job title:
c) job description (including travel/mobility requirements):
d) reporting lines;
e) location;
f) required person specifications;
g) desired, but not required. person specifications (specific skills, aptitudes and abilities);
2) qualified and not pursuing: people who meet minimum qualifkations/competences but who the organization has decided not to pursue;
3) qualified and pursuing: the applicant moves to the next stage for further evaluation. NOTE It Is important to determine clear objective measures for why qualified oe competent people
might be excluded from further evaluation.
b) Communicate with applicants, acknowledging receipt of application, next steps and expected timelines.
4.5 CandIdates for further assessment
4.5.1 This pool of candidates refers to people who are both interested in and qualified for a specific job. The goal at this stage of recruitment is to assess candidates for their knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics to further refine the pool of candidates for the job.
4.5.2 Before the first meeting with the candidate:
a) arrange pre-determined initial assessments and an interview schedule:
b) acquire further information about the candidate.
4.5.3 During the first meeting with a candidate:
a) greet the candidate and describe the recruitment process steps
b) answer any questions the candidate has about the process;
c) conduct assessments:
d) record information acquired during assessment activities accurately using a predetermined. common template that each interviewer completes to ensure accurate comparison across all candidates;
e) close this assessment;
f) describe the next step in the recruitment process.
4.5.4 Following the first meeting with the candidate
a) use the assessment results to decide whether the candidate will move to the next level of assessment or become the final candidate;
b) share the assessment results with any Internal stakeholders responsible for feedback on process and recruitment outcome.
NOTE 1 This is a tunnel or filtering process. Successive activities in the assessment process yield successively smaller and smaller pools of candidates for further evaluation. The goal of assessment is an analysis of each candidate’s job.related qualifications, in line with the needs of the organization.
NOTE 2 Assessors and interviewers are expected to be competent
4.6 Candidate management
The candidate management stage focuses on the completion of final decisions regarding interested and qualified candidates. The goal of this stage is to offer jobs to interested and desired candidates, while candidates who are qualified for other employment situations are channelled to other applicant pools. if appropriate. The remaining candidates are thanked and notified of final decisions.
Improvements to the recruitment process can be made by tracking the measurement results and looking [or deviations From desired results.
Collecting, analysing and acting on the measurement results help to ensure that high-quality talent is being employed, while maximizing efficient use of resources.
5.2 Measurement process
Comprehensive measurement of the recruitment process records its effectiveness, efficiency and impact, and can be analysed in its entirety and/or at various points during or after the process (e.g. after employees complete a probationary period). The following steps are intended to guide this process:
a) select key recruitment metrics that align with the needs of the organization (Annex B provides commonly used metrics to assess the recruitment process, and outcomes based on efficiency. effectiveness and Impact);
b) collect and benchmark data:
1) collect data in a consistent way:
2) build a process for tracking metrics (large organizations typically use an applicant tracking system; smaller organizations can use spreadsheet software):
3) translate raw data:
4) track data for internal benchmarking;
5) IdentIfy sources for external benchmarklng data;
6) establish a goal indicating a normal range for each particular measurement;
7) collect data.
5.3 Analyse results
Once data are collected, it is necessary to compare the results of the data with the pre-established goal.
The following questions should be asked.
a) What is the current measurement?
b) How does the current state compare with the past state and the goal state?
c) How does the current state compare with external benchmarks?
d) Have all key stakeholders involved in the process received the relevant results?
e) Is action required?
f) IF there Is a significant deviation from the desired goal, what are the Internal and external factors that contribute to the challenge?
g) What key metrics need to be coupled for a complete understanding of the current state?
5.4 Improvement
The purpose of collecting data is to assess the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the recruitment process. Taking action for improvement in the process is key to delivering value to the overall human resource system and the organization as a whole.
The organization should:
a) Identify potential causes of deviations;

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