ISO 10003:2018 download.Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for dispute resolution external to organizations.
ISO 10003 provides guidance for organizations to plan, design, develop, operate, maintain and improve effective and efficient external dispute resolution for product- and service-related complaints. Dispute resolution gives an avenue of redress when organizations do not remedy a complaint internally. Most complaints can be resolved successfully within the organization, without the need for further time-consuming and more adversarial procedures.
NOTE 1 OrganIzations are encouraged to develop an effective and efficient internal complaints-handling process consistent with ISO 10002.
There are different methods for resolving disputes and different terms used to describe them. These methods are facilitative, advisory or determinative (see Annex A). Each method can be used by itself or the methods can be used in sequence.
ISO 10003 can be used to:
a) design a dispute-resolution process and decide when to offer dispute resolution to complainants;
b) select a dispute-resolution provider (hereinafter referred to as “provider see i9) that Is able to meet an organization’s specific needs and expectations.
NOTE 2 Providers from the public and private sectors can take various forms around the world, including industry-sector specific associations, ombudsmen and multi-sector associations.
While ISO 10003 is directed towards organizations, providers can also benefit from knowing what guidance is being given to organizations. Providers can also use the guidance in their dispute-resolution process.
Organizations are encouraged to plan, design, develop, operate, maintain and improve a dispute- resolution process in conjunction with a customer satisfaction code of conduct and internal complaints- handling process, and to integrate them with the organization’s quality or other management systems.
ISO 10003 can assist individuals and organizations in evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency and fairness of an organization’s dispute-resolution process. Implementation of this document can:
— provide flexible dispute resolution that, in comparison with court-based processes, can be less expensive, easier and quicker. especially hi disputes across borders;
— help to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty;
— provide a benchmark against which individuals and organizations can evaluate claims by
ISO 10003 gives guidelines for an organization to plan, design, develop, operate, maintain and improve an effective and efficient dispute-resolution process for complaints that have not been resolved by the organization.
ISO 10003 is applicable to:
— complaints relating to the organization’s products and services, the complaints-handling process or dispute-resolution process;
— resolution of disputes arising from domestic or cross-border business activities, including those arising from electronic commerce.
ISO 10003 is intended for use by any organization regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides, and deals with:
— guidance on determining when and how organizations can participate in dispute resolution;
— guidance on the selection of providers and use of their services;
— top management involvement in, and commitment to, dispute resolution and deployment of adequate resources within the organization;
— the essentials for fair, suitable, transparent and accessible dispute resolution;
— guidance on management of an organization’s participation in dispute resolution;
— monitoring, evaluating and improving the dispute-resolution process.
This document is particularly aimed at dispute resolution between an organization and
— individuals purchasing or using products and services for personal or household purposes, or
— small businesses.
ISO 10003 does not apply to the resolution of other types of disputes, such as employment disputes.
It does not apply to complaints handling within an organization.
2 Normative references
— the organization determines and allocates the resources needed for an effective, fair, lawful and efficient dispute-resolution process, Including appropriate training;
— the dispute-resolution process Is promoted and communicated to all appropriate personnel in the organization, and to customers and complainants (see 414.13. and Annexes D and fl;
— responsibility and authority for dispute resolution are clearly defined throughout the organization;
— notification is given rapidlyand effectivelyof anysignificanrcomplairits about thedispute-resolution process, the organization’s representatives in the dispute-resolution process, the provider or any outcome.
6 Planning, design and development
6.1 General
The organization should plan, design and develop an effective and efficient dispute-resolution process. This Includes the creation of necessary procedures for the dispute-resolution process. The organization should understand the expectations and perceptions of customers and other relevant interested parties related to dispute resolution. When establishing and using a dispute resolution process, the organization should consider and address risks and opportunities that can arise. This involves:
— monitoring and evaluating processes and external and internal issues concerning risks and opportunities;
— Identifying and assessing specific risks and opportunities;
— planning. designing. developing, implementing and reviewing corrective actions and improvements pertaining to identified and assessed risks and opportunities.
.s defined in ISO 9000:2015,3.7.9, risk Is the effect of uncertainty, which can be negative or positive. In he context of dispute resolution, an example of a negative effect is customer dissatisfaction resulting from a lack of Information provided regarding the dispute-resolution process, and an example of a osltlve effect Is that the organization reconsiders the resources associated with dispute resolution as a result of a review of the dispute-resolution process, These risks can be addressed by reviewing the allocation and deployment of resources leading to the improved customer awareness of the dispute resolution process or additional training of personnel to manage an expanded scope of the disputes referred to the dispute-resolution process.
•n opportunity is related to identification of a new possible way of realizing positive outcomes, which does not necessarily arise from the organization’s existing risks. For example, the organization can dentify a new product, service or process as a result of a customer suggestion provided in the course of dispute resolution.
6.2 Objectives
The organization should determine the oblectives to be achieved by dispute resolution. These oblectives should be consistent with the dispute-resolution policy (see 13). and their fulfilment should be measurable using suitable performance Indicators. These oblectives should be reviewed at regubr ;ntervals and updated as necessary,
6.3 ActivitIes
6.3.1 Diagnosis
The organization should evaluate Its current efforts to resolve complaints and disputes, in order to determine whether additional resources or changes are needed, Such evaluation can consider:
— the nature and frequency of complaints and disputes;
— the overall performance of the dispute-resolution process;
— feedback on the dispute-resolution process;
— results olassessments of the provider’s methods:
— risks and opportunities, including the related actions;
— effectiveness of the actions taken to address risks and opportunities;
— status of corrective actions;
— actions decided at previous reviews.
NOTE The Information on the overall performance of the dlsputeresolutlon process could include effecuveness, efficiency, customer confidence in the organization, customer satisfaction, percentage of complaints retolved, costs (Including In comparison to potential court costs), and the results of the continual evaluation of the provider.
8.4.3 Output
The output from management reviews should include decisions on such matters as:
— improvements in the effectiveness and efficiency or the dispute-resolution, complaints-handling and other processes, and in products and services;
— competence, performance and suitability of the current dispute-resolution provider;
— dealing with identified organizational needs and deficiencies (e.g. training programmes) related to dispute resolution.
Records of management reviews should be established and maintained.
8.5 Continual Improvement
The organization should continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the dispute-resolution process. This can be achieved through corrective actions, actions taken in relation to risks and opportunities, and innovative improvements.
The organization should take action to eliminate the causes of existing and potential problems leading to complaints, in order to prevent recurrence and occurrence, respectively.
The organization should:
— explore, identify and apply best practices in the dispute-resolution process;
— foster a customer4ocused approach withIn the organization;
— encourage innovation in the development of dispute resolution;
— inform those responsible for developing the dispute-resolution process of any problems in the process;
— recognize instances where dispute resolution was provided In an exemplary manner.
ISO 10003:2018 download
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