ISO 10544:1992 download free

07-25-2021 comment

ISO 10544:1992 download free.Cold-reduced steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete and the manufacture of welded fabric.
ISO 10544 specifies technical requirements for cold-reduced steel wire designed for the reinforcement of concrete or for use In welded fabric.
One steel grade, 500 N/mm2, is defined.
ISO 10544 applies to wire made from rod by working through dies or rollers. The production process is at the discretion of the manufacturer.
For wire supplied In coil form, the requirements of ISO 10544 apply to the straightened product.
Wires produced from finished products, such as plates and railway rails, are excluded.
2 NormatIve references
The following standards contain provisions which. through reference in this text, constitute provisions of ISO 10544. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on ISO 10544 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards Indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 404:1992, Steel and steel products — General technical delivery requirements.
ISO 6892:1984. Metallic materials — Tensile testing.
ISO/TR 9769:1991, Steel and Iron — Review of available methods of analysis.
ISO 10065:1990, Steel bars for reinforcement of concrete — Bend and rebend tests.
ISO 10144:1991. Certification scheme for steel bars and wires for the reinforcement of concrete structures.
3 DefinItions
For the purposes of ISO 10544, the following definitions apply.
3.1 cas analysis: Chemical analysis of a sample or the molten steel during casting.
3.2 certificatIon scheme: Certification system as related to specified products, processes or services to which the same particular standards and rules, and the same procedure, apply. [ISO/IEC Guide 2)
3.3 characteristIc value: Value having a prescribed probability of not being attained in a hypothetical unlimited test series. [ISO 8930)
NOTE 1 EquIvalent to fractile, which Is defined in ISO 3534.
3.4 core: The part of cross-section of the wire that contains neither ribs nor indentations.
3.5 inclination of indentation, (1: The angle between the indentation and the longitudinal axis of the wire. (See figure 2.)
3.6 indentation spacing, c: The distance between the centres of two consecutive indentations measured parallel to the axis of the wire. (See figure 2.)
3.7 Indented wire: Wire with a regular pattern of surface indentations to enhance its bond properties.
3.8 Inspection: Activities such as measuring. examining, testing, gauging one or more characteristics of a product or service and comparing these with specified requirements to determine conformity. [ISO 8402]
3.9 nomInal cross-sectional area: The cross- sectional area equivalent to the area or a circular plain wire of the nominal diameter.
3.10 plaIn wire: Smooth surfaced wire without bond enhancing properties.
3.11 product analysis: Chemical analysis of a sample from a wire.
3.12 rIb height, a: The distance from the highest point of the rib to the surface of the core, to be measured normal to the axis of the wire. (See Ilgure 1.)
3.13 rIb Inclination, fi: The angle between the rib and the longitudinal axis or the wire. (See figure 1.)
3.14 rib spacing, C: The distance between the centres of two consecutive transverse ribs measured parallel to the axis of the wire. (See figure 1.)
3.15 ribbed wire: Wire with a regular pattern of surface protrusions designed to enhance Its bond properties.
3.16 test unit: The number of pieces or the tonnage of products to be accepted or rejected together, on the basis of the tests to be carried out on sample products in accordance with the requirements of the product standard or order, [ISO 404)
3.17 specIfic projected indentation area, fp: The area of the projections of all Indentations on a plane
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the wire. divided by the wire length and the nominal circumference. (See 5.2.)
3.18 specIfic protected rib area, j: The area of the projections of all ribs on a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the wire, divided by the wire length and the nominal circumference. (See 5.1.)
3.19 transversal Indentatlonless perimeter, e: The sum of the distances along the surface of the core between the transverse indentations of adlacent rows measured as the projection on a plan perpendicular to the wire axis. (See figure 2).
3.20 transversal ribless perimeter, : The sum of the distances along the surface of the core between the transverse ribs of adjacent rows measured as the projection on a plane perpendicular to the wire axis. (See figure 1.)
4 DImensions, masses and tolerances
The nominal diameter of the wire shall be in the range from 4 mm to 16 mm. Recommended nominal diameters, d, are given in table 1.
For nominal diameters not listed In table 1. the mass divided by length shall be 7 850 kg/rn3 x nominal cross-sectional area.
The permissible deviation for intermediate sizes shall not exceed thai of the next higher size In table 1. For nominal diameters from 12 mm and 16 mm, the permissible deviation shall be ± 5 %.
7 Mechanical properties
7.1 Tensile properties
Required tensile properties are given in table 3.
At least 95 % of the population under consideration shall have tensile properties equal to or above the characteristic value specified.
No single test result shall be less than 95 % of the characteristic value given In table 3.
The ratio of tensile strength to proof stress, RmIRp02, for each test piece shall be at least 1.03.
By agreement between manufacturer and purchaser. the values in table 5 may be used as guaranteed minimum values.
7.2 BendIng properties
After testing, none of the test pieces shall show fractures or cracks visible to the naked eye.
7.3 Rebendlng properties
By agreement between manufacturer and purchaser, the rebend test may replace the bend test.
The rebend test Is used to verify the ageing properties of bent wires.
After testing, none of the test pieces shall have fractures or cracks visible to the naked eye.
8 Testing of mechanical properties
The testing shall be done on wires in the straightened condition. The test piece may be heated to 100 °C and then cooled freely in air to the test temperature.
8.1 TensIle test
The tensile properties shall be determined according to ISO 6892. The test piece shall have an original gauge length of 5 times the nominal diameter. The free distance between the grips shall be not less than 180 mm.
For calculation of proof stress and tensile strength. the nominal cross-sectional area of the wire shall be used.
9 DesignatIon
Wire according to ISO 10544 shall be designated in the following order
— reinforcing steel;
— the number of this International Standard:
— nominal diameter, in millimetres;
— surface configuration (plain, indented or ribbed).
Reinforcing steel ISO 10544 8 mm indented
10 MarkIng
10.1 MarkIng on the wire
it is recommended that indented and ribbed wire should have an identification of the manufacturer introduced during rolling. Examples are shown in annex A.
10.2 MarkIng of bundles or coils
Each bundle or coil of at least 500 kg shall have a label stating the manufacturer, number of ISO 10544, nominal diameter, cast number or reference related to test record, and country of origin.
11 CertifIcation and Inspection
Certification and inspection of reinforcement shall be performed
— In accordance with a certification scheme monitored by an external body (see ISO 10144);
— according to testing of a specific delivery.
11.1 CertIfication scheme
In the case of a certification scheme, certification and Inspection shall be performed in accordance with ISO 10144.
11.2 Testing of a specific delivery
Provisions regarding the nature, extent and evaluation of acceptance tests on deliveries of cold- reduced wire not subject to a certification scheme are given in 11.3 and 11.4.
Testing of a specific delivery shall be performed according to 11.3.

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