ISO 5559:1995 download free.Dehydrated onion ( Allium cepa Linnaeus ) -Specification.
1,1 ISO 5559 specifies requirements for dehydrated onion (Allium cepa Linnaeus) in its various commercial forms.
NOTE 1 The main commercial forms are given in annex ft for information only
1.2 RcurnmendaLions relating to microbiological requirements are given in annex C, without prejudice to the national legislation applicable in different countries.
1.3 Recommendations relating to storage and transport are given in annex D.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of ISO 5559 At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on ISO 5559 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 927:1982, Spices and condiments — Determination of extraneous matter content.
ISO 928:1980. Spices and condiments — Determination of total ash.
ISO 930:1980, Spices and condiments — Determination of acid-insoluble ash.
ISO 948:1980, Spices and condiments — Sampling.
ISO 1026:1982, Fruit and vegetable products — Determination of dry matter content by drying under reduc d p,ssu,e arid of water content by azeotropic distillation.
ISO 1208:1982, Spices and condiments — Determination of filth.
ISO 498 1981, Agricultural toad products — Determination of crude fibre content — General method.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of ISO 5559, the following definitions apply.
3.1 dehydrated onion: Finished product obtained on drying the bulbs of any onion cultivars (Allium cepa Linnaeus) without any bleaching or precooking, the bulbs being sound and practically tree from moulds, diseases, soil, outei skins, stems, leaves and roots.
3.2 extraneous matter: Vegetable matter originating exciusivoly from plants, such as particles from skins and roots.
4 Requirements
4.1 Organoleptic specifications
4.1.1 General
The dehydrated onion shall conform to the requirements of ISO 5559 and on rehydration shall regain characteristics similar to those of fresh onion.
4.1.2 Colour
Tho colour of the dehydrated onion shall be chatacteristic of tho cultivar used, that is, between white
and cream when the product has been prepared horn white and yellow onions, and between pink and red when red OfliOnS have been used.
The product shall be practically free from scorched. toasted and baked particles.
4.1.3 Odour
The odour of the dehydrated onion shall be characteristic, arid free from foreign odours and off odours.
4.1.4 Flavour
Since the flavour of the dehydrated onion can be assessed only after rehydration, apply the method descnbed in annex A, and then proceed with the sensory evaluation.
The flavour shall be characteristic of parboiled onions and free from foreign flavours and off flavours.
4.2 Freedom from insects, moulds, etc.
Dehydrated onion shall be free from living insects, and practically free from moulds, dead insects, insect
Iragrneiits and rodent contamination visible to the naked eye (corrected, if necessary, for abnormal vision) or with such magnification as may be necessary in any particular case. If the magnification exceeds
x 10, this fact shall be mentioned in the test report.
In cases of dispute, the contamination of onion in powder form shall be determined by using th method specified in ISO 1208.
4.3 Extraneous matter
The total percentage of extidneous matter, as defined
in 3.2 and determined in accordance with ISO 927.
shall not exceed the value given in table 1.
4.4 Classification
Dehydrated onion is classified according to its colour, presentation and extraneous matter content in accordance with the requirements given in table 1.
4.5 Chemical requirements
Dehydrated onion shall comply with the requirements specified in table 2,
5 Sampling
5.1 Dehydrated onion powder, grits, flakes or granules
Sample tho product in accordance with ISO 948, using a conical sampler or other suitable implement to remove aseptically a representative sample.
5.2 Dehydrated onion slices
Certain problems arise as a result of the friability of the product and the danger of settling within the container. It may therefore be necessary to take the entire contents of a single container because, during transport, the onion may settle with larger pieces towards the top and smaller pieces towards the bottom.
The principles of the method described in ISO 948 apply with the modifications given in 5.2.1 and 5.2.2.
5.2.1 Number of containers to be taken
Take from the lot between 0.5 % and 1.0 % of the containers, using a table of random numbers agreed between the interested parties. II no table of random numbers is available, take every nth container.
5.2.2 Preparation of bulk sample
Sieve the contents of each container according to the commercial form considered (see annex B). Prepare the bulk sample by mixing portions of the different sieved fractions n the proportions determined by sieving The size of the bulk sample shall be at least three times the quantity of product necessary to carry out all the tests required by this International Standard.
6 Test methods
Samples of dehydrated onion shall he tested for conformity with the requirements of this International standard using the test methods specified in 42.
4.3, 5.1, 5.2 and table2.
7 Packing and marking
7.1 Packing
Dchydrated onion shall be packed in clean, sound and dry containors mode of a material which does not affect the product but which protects it from light and from the ingress of moisture.
7.2 Marking
The following particulars shall be marked directly on each package or shall be marked on a label attached to the package:
a) name of the product and botanic’.al name and tradename, if any;
b) name and address of the producer or packer, or trademark, if any;
c) code or batch number;
d) net mass;
e) producing country;
f) any other information requested by the purchaser, such as year of production and date of packing, if known;
g) reference to ISO 5559;
h) whether the product contains additives, and which ones, in the case of countries where they are permitted.
ISO 5559:1995 download free
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