ISO 6517:1992 download.Air cargo equipment — Base-restrained certified containers exclusively for the lower deck of high-capacity aircraft.
ISO 6517 covers the design, fabrication, performance and testing requirements for general-purpose base-restrained exclusively lower deck compartment preloaded containers for high- capacity aircraft, capable of being used by either airlines or by shippers and requiring airworthiness certification.
NOTE I The metnc equivalents for dimensions have been rounded up or down to the nearest millimetre, except in critical dimensions Weights have been rounded up to the nearest kilogram and forces have been rounded up to the nearest 5 N
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference In this text, constitute provisions of ISO 6517. At the time of publication, the editions Indicated were valid All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on ISO 6517 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applyin j the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards
ISO 4116.1986, Air cargo equipment — Ground equipment requirements for compatibility with aircraft unit load devices
ISO 7166.1985, Aircraft — Rail and stud configuration for passenger equipment and cargo restraint.
ISO 8097.1986, Aircraft — Minimum airworthiness requirements and test conditions for certified air cargo unit load devices (Endorsement of NAS 3610)
c) the third letter denoting the contour
The identification code shall be marked on the container.
A certified aircraft container (A) of base size
3 175 mm x 1 534 mm (125 in x 60,4 In) (size L) and
of overall width 3 175 mm (125 in) (contour P) shall
be designated as follows:
4 BasIc container configuration
4.1 The basic container shall consist of a complete structural enclosure.
4.2 The structure shall be designed to make the maximum Internal cross-section available for loading cargo, within the limits of the space required for latch and structural desiqn
5 Requirements
5.1 General
The design, materials and construction of the container shall be of aircraft quality Maintainability and repairability shall be a factor in the design to ensure the mInImum need for maintenance. Any such maintenance and repair should be able to be done with case and at minimum cost.
5.1.1 AirworthIness approval
The container manutacturer shall apply to the appropriate airworthiness authority to obtain approval for use of the container In aircraft whose cargo compartments require the use of base-restrained certified containers (See also 5 2)
5.1.2 Materials
The materials and processes selected shall provide for maximum service life by giving consideration to the extremely hard usage to which the container will be subjected All metal parts shall be suitably protected against corrosion. All non-metallic liquid- absorbent materials shall be sealed or treated to prevent liquid absorption Materials shall be fire resistant and shall withstand environmental degradat ion
51.3 Construction Base The base shall not contain rough or sharp edges potentially dangerous to personnel, cargo, aircraft or terminal handling equipment. The construction of the base shall be designed for strength and durability to withstand harsh treatment In service. The base shall be structurally attached to, and be an Integral part of, the container assembly The base shall be removable with hand tools and shall be interchangeable The base shall comply with the indentation performance requirements of Where optional fork-lift capability is provided, the minimum aperture size shall be 102 mm (4 in) high by 305 mm (12 in) wide, with chamfered protected edges. Where provided, there shall be fork-lift pnckets at least on the two long sides, although three-way entry is preferred on K-size units. On L-size units, the distance between the inner edges of the optional fork-lift pockets shall be not less than 813 miii (32 in), and on K-size units not less than 457 mm (18 in) Body Any attachments between the base and the panels shall be designed to have a minimum intrusion into the door area. Gussets are allowed at the junctions of panels and base or top to allow the transfer or bending morTlenis The size of all gussets shall be the minimum consistent with structural requirements. The top of the container shall be self- draining The top surface shall be designed to be easily cleared of snow
To facilitate repair and assembly, component parts shall be readily removable with hand tools and shall be interchangeable.
Any gussets in the door opening shall be the minimum consistent with the strength and/or deflection requirements Two non-protruding haitriles or straps shall be located on each side panel for manual movement of the container Each handle shall provide for gripping with a gloved hand and shall have a local attachment strength of 445 daN (1 000 IbI) in any direction
5.1 .3.2.3 One or more placard holders shall be lit- ted to the body to accommodate a destination placard of standard size A5 1210 mm x 148 mm Doors The door opening should be designed to make the maximum possible cross-section available for loading. It shall be possible for one person to open or close the door and any associated net or hardware in no more than I mm for full-width units (L base size), and no more than 15 s for half-width units (K base size).
It shall be possible to open any typo of door without exceeding a height of 1 780 mm (70 in). measured from the underside of the base The door shall be stowable on top of the unit and means of retaining it in the open position should be provided.
The door shall be capable of being opened with a 102 mm (4 in) high obstacle adjacent to the base
Where hinges are used, the design shall not allow fingers to be trapped.
In general, most types of container have only one door situated on a long side of the unit
In some cases, for operational reasons. K-size units may have a door on each long side.
Doors are generally rectangular, but may vary to suit the container contour, the choice of structural shape, or to provide enhanced or a full-width door opening. Handles, straps or hand-holds shall be provided on each door For handling the door and for manual movement of the container These devices shall be able to withstand a 445 daN (1 000 lbt) pull in any direction, and shall be suitable for gripping with a gloved hand These devices shall be designed to cause no damage to adjacent units Door latch and restraint hardware design shall preclude damage to the shell or door during stowage and installation/removal of the door
No tools shall be required to open and c’ose the doors or latches
The door latching and installation mechanisms shall be designed to allow door installation and removal while the container is sitting on uneven surfaces varying by as much as 12,7 mm (0,5 in) over the length of the base. It shall he possible In lock (to discourage entry) and to seal the door so as to give visual indications of unauthorized entry Shelves (optional)
In general, shelves are fitted only into non- rectangular containers that have extended contours with an overhang
In such units, the shelves are usually located at the junction of the outboard side panel and the s4oping panel In some instances, the shelf is hinged at the outboard edge so that it may be lowered to lie on the sloping panel
Alternatively, full-width shelves are fitted at half the unit height Internal cargo restraint
Securing points shall be provided around the interior walls spaced approximately 508 mm (20 in) apart at the following points:
— near the base (not required if equivalent provisions are available at the base),
— at half height, except for K-size units, which shall have securing points at or near thc base only.
Each of these points shall be capable of withstanding an omnidirectional load of 1 780 daN (4 000 lbf) near or at the base and 890 daN (2 000 lbf at half height.
These pnints shil cnmply with ISO 7166 Pressure equalization
A minimum vent area of 5 cm2 per cubic metre (0.02 in2 per cubic foot) of container internal volume should be provided if the door seal venting area Is not sufficient ThIs vent area shall be adequately protected from cargo load shift to ensure that the minimum area is maintained during emergency operations RapId decompression
For rapid decompression In the event of an aircraft emergency, the container shall include a minimum vent area ol 100 cmfm3 (0.45 sq Infcu ft) of container internal volume to become open In a duration of less than 0,2 s when submitted to a maximum pressure differential from inside of 14 kPa (2.0 lbjsq in)
5.1.4 Performance Base indentation (see figure 8) Local indentation of the container base panel
The maximum Indentation (permanent set) at any location of the base panel when subjected to a 890 daN (2 000 Ibt) force by a steel roller
51 mm (2 in) long of 25,4 mm (1 in) diameter (see figure 8) shall not exceed 0.25 mm (0,01 in), and when subjected to a 400 daN (900 lbt) force by a
6.3.2 Requirements
Upon completion of the test, the container shall show iteitlier per iiianeiit deformation nor abnormality which will render It unsuitable for use, and the dimensional requirements affecting handling, securing and interchange shall be satisfied
6.4 Test No. 4 — Cyclic test
6.4.1 Procedure
Uniformly load the container to its maximum gross weight with the centre of gravity at not less than half the unit height and make it traverse 100 times over a bed of 25,4 mm (1 in) diameter steel balls spaced on a 178 mm (7 in) matrix. The forward and afl base edges shall impact against fixed steel stops 64 mm (2,5 in) wide at a velocity of 0,3 rn/s (1 ft/s)
For K-size units, the stops shall be spaced at
527 mm (20,75 in) with the first stop 603 mm
(23,75 in) from the inboard face of the base edge
For L-size units, the stops shall be located symmetrically at 1 257 mm (49,5 in) and 2 311 mm (91 in) apart either side of the unit centreline of the 3 175 mm (125 in) edge.
The distance traversed during each cycle shall be at least 3 100 mm (112 in)
6.4.2 RequIrements
Upon completion of the test, the container shall show neither permanent deformation nor abnormality which will render it unsuitable for use, and the dimensional requirements affecting handling. securing and interchange shall be satisfied
6.5 Test No. 5 — Racking test (not essential for units with contour P)
6.5.1 Procedure
Load the container to its maximum gross weight Restrain it against sideways movement at the base of the Inboard edge.
Apply a horizontal force along the top edge of the outboard panel, sufficient to raise the outboard edge of the base from the floor or conveyor plane
6.5.2 Requirements
Upon completion of the test, the container shall show neither permanent deformation nor abnormality which will render it unsuitable for use, and the dimensional requirements affecting handling, securing and interchange shall be satisfied.
ISO 6517:1992 download
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