ISO 8099:2000 download free

07-02-2021 comment

ISO 8099:2000 download free.Small craft – Toilet waste retention systems.
1 Scope
The International Standard specifies requirements for the design, construction, and installation ol systems br temporary retention of sewage for subsequent disposal. It applies to small craft of hut length up to 24 m.
2 NormatIve reference
The foliowing normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of ISO 8099. For dated references, subsequent amendments to. or revisions of. any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on ISO 8099 are encouraged to investigate the possdxity of applng the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normatwe document referred to applies. Members of PEG and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 228-1:1994. Pipe threads where pressure-tight ,ivints are not made on the threads — Past 1: Dimensions. loterances and designation.
ISO 90931:19941 I Small craft — SeocoeRs and through-hull fittings — Part 1: Metallic
ISO 101332000. Small craft — Electrical systems — Extra-low-voftage d.c. installations.
ISO 13297:2000, Small craft — Electrical systems — Aitematirig current installations.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of ISO 8099, the following terms and definitions apply.
retention system
interconnected sanitation eqi.spment induding hoses, pipes, holding tank and fittings designed for use on board small craft to receive, retain, vent and dispose of sewage
human body wastes and the wastes. induding flushing water, from toilets and other receptacles intended to receive or retain these wastes
capable of being reached for inspection, removal or maintenance without removal of the permanent craft structure
6.1.3 Back sIphonIng
Back siphoning of the contents and escape of gas from the holding tank back through the toilel fixture shall be
prevented up to a heel angle to either side 04 at least 30° for monohufl sailing craft, 20° for other craft and a
trimmed condition at the bow or stem of at least 10°.
6.1.4 Escape of sewage
Escape of sewage from the holding tank to the exterior of the craft shall be prevented when the boat is heeled to either side at least 30° for monchull sailing craft 20° for other craft, at 90 % of tank capacity and to the inlior of the craft under maximum anticipated conditions of heel or trim. i.e. 45 for monohull sailing craft, 30° for enginednven craft and mullihul sailing craft
6.1.5 FastenIng
The holding tank shali be securely fastened and located Independently of any connecting pçing.
6.1.6 LocatIon and accessIbIlIty
Pump-out deck fittings shall be readily accessible, with access, for pump-out connections, and located ii relation to tittings lot potable water and fuef fdling to reduce the possibility of accidental coritaminabon.
6.1.7 IndicatIon of contents
The level of holding-tank contents shall be observable when the holding tank is 314 full by volume, when the tank is
viewed directly while installed in a readily accessible location, or by another means.
6.1.8 Access opening
Holding tanks of capacity greater than 40 litres shal have an accessible sealable. (i.e. vapour and Iquid tightl minimum opening ci 75mm diameter or smallest dimension to the holding tank interior for flushing, cleaning and maintenance.
6.1.9 Tank walls
Holding tanks shall not have common walls, tops or bottoms with fuel and potable-water tanks,
6.1.10 Hoses and pipIng
Connecting hoses and piping shall be securely fastened in position to prevent damage by abrasion or vibration.
6.1.11 Acc.sslb4llty of fittIngs and connectIons
Holding-tank fittings and connections shall be accessible for inspection and maintenance.
6.2 System venting for fixed holdIng tanks
6.2.1 Venting of gases
The system shall provide for venting of gases within the system to the exterior of the craft at heel angles L4 to 200 at 90% of tank capacity.
6.5 Seecock fitting
Retention systems with the pOssdibty of direct overboard discharge of sewage to the sea shall be fitted with a seacock at the through-hull lilting. Any seacock used lor deed overboard discharge shall be In accordance with ISO 9093-1 and shall be capable 01 being sealed in the closed position.
6.6 Pump-out deck fittIng
Fixed systems shall be equipped with a pump-out deck fitting in accordance with clause 11.
NOTE Illustrations of typical rstalaDons for todet retenhion systems are shown in Figures 81 and 8.2 ii annex B.
7 Requirements for fixed holding tanks
7.1 The tank, as designed. shall provide removal of at least 90% of the contents of the holding lank through the pump-out deck lilting.
72 Battles. It any, in holding tanks shall have openings to allow sewage and vapour to Ilow freely across the top and bottom.
7.3 Fittings, Including the covers of clean-out openings, shall be designed and constructed to ensure a gastight and watertight closure.
8 Requirements for portable holding tanks
8.1 Portable holding tanks shall be of capacity less than 20 litres and shall not be connected to any pump-out fitting or outlet.
82 The internal diameter of the vent line for portable holding tanks, If used, shall not be less than 16mm and shall have a quick disconnect at the tank-vent opening, with a cap or dosing device permanently attached to the tank, which ensures a watertight seal clunng transport ol the tank.
8.3 MI other holding-tank openings shall be sealed with watertight and gastight closing devices.
8.4 Handles or recesses for carrying the tank shall be provided on the lank In a location that will allow safe transport and emptying of the tank.
8.5 A label that shows how to disconnect, transport and empty the tank shall be visibly displayed on the tank.
9 Test for fixed holding tanks
The lank and the system connecting piing or tubing including all fittings, as installed, shall be tested to withstand a pressure of 20 kPa for a period of 5 mm without leaking. The tank shalt withstand a negative pressure of 20 kPa without permanent detormation.
10 Identification
Prefabricated holding tanks delivered for resale shall be legiy marked on the holding tank with the following
— name or trademark of the mandacturer;
— name and/cr model number of the system;
ISO 8099;
— the symbol br Toilet waste tank as indicated In Fi9ure A.2, or in language acceptable rn the country of use;
— tank capadly, expnessed in litres.
11 Pump-outdecklittlng
11.1 The dimensions of the pump-out deck fitting shall be as shown in Figure Al.
NOTE Figure Al does not determine the overall design
11.2 Threads shall be in accordance with ISO 228•1.
11.3 The pump-out deck fitting shall be identified by marking. on the fining or in Its vicinity, with at least the symbol
in accordance with Figure A2
12 Information for owners manual
literature on the system operation and maintenance shall be burnished with the system or incorporated into the owners manual for the craft and shall include at least the following information:
a) operation and maintenance;
b) V valve use:
— sealing.
avoidance of inadvertent discharge;
c) capacity of the holding tank, expressed in litres;
d) chemicals acceptable br use:
— cleaning materials,
— deodorants,
— anti-freeze solutions;
e) pump-out procedure including use of the manual relief valve, if applicable;
f) instruction that the system shall be empty duflng storage at freezing temperatures.

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