ISO IEC 11801-3:2017 download.Information technology – Generic cabling for customer premises Part 3 : Industrial premises.
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 11801 specifies generic cabling for use within Industrial premises, or industrial areas within other types of premises. which can comprise single or multiple buildings on a campus. It covers balanced cabling and optical fibre cabling.
ISO IEC 11801-3 is optimized lot premises in which the maximum distance over which telecommunications services can be distributed is 10 000 m. The principles of this document can be applied to larger installations.
Cabling defined by this document supports a wide range of services, including automation, process control, and monitoring applications. That can also incorporate the supply of power.
ISO IEC 11801-3 specifies directly o via reference to ISO)IEC 11801-1
a) the structure arid minimum configuration for generic cabling within industrial premises,
b) the interfaces at the telecommunications outlet (TO),
c) the performance requirements for cabling links and channels.
ci) the implementation requirements and options,
e) the performance requirements for cabling components.
f) the conformance requirements and verification procedures.
The cabling providing critical automation, process control and monitoring applications within the automation islands is not addressed by this document. Information for this application- specific cabling is provided in the IEC 61784-5 series (design) and in IEC 61918 (installation).
Safety (electrical safety and protection, fire, etc.) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of ISO IEC 11801-3, and are covered by other standards and by regulations. However, information given by this document can be of assistance.
2 Normative reterences
The following documents are referred to In the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements 01 ISO IEC 11801-3. For dated references. Only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 61918, Industrial communication networks — Installation of communication networks in industrial premises
fEC 61754-20, Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Fibre optic connector interfaces — Part 20: Type LC connector family
fEC 61784-5 (all parts), Industrial communication networks — Profiles — Parr 5: Installation of fieldbuses — Installation profiles for CPF
lSOIlC 11801-1:2017. Information technology — Generic cabling for customer premises — Part 1: General requirements
ISO/IEC 11801-2. Information technology — Generic cabling for customer premises — Part 2:
Office premises
c) The interlaces to the cabling at the TO shall conform to the requirements of CIau5e 10 with respect to mating Interlaces and performance when subjected to environment conditions, local to the connecting hardware (see NOTE below), as dehned by the applicable environmental Class(es) of Clause 6.
d) Connecting hardware at other places in the cabling structure shall meet the performance requirements specified in Clause 10 when subjected to environment conditions, local to the connecting hardware (see NOTE below), as detined by the applicable environmental Class(es) of Clause 6.
e) The requirements of ISOIIEC 14763-2 and ISO/IEC 30129 shall be met.
ISO IEC 11801-3 does not specify which tests and sampling levels should be adopted. Test methods to assess conformance with the channel and link requirements of Clause 6 and Clause 7, respectIvely, are specified In ISOIEC 11801.1. The test parameters to be measured, the sampling levels and the treatment of measured results to be applied for particular Installahon shall be defined In the Installation specificatIon and quality plan for that installation prepared in accordance with ISOIIEC 14763-2.
For Installations beyond the lID, IEC 61918 and IEC 61784-5 series shall be met (see Annex A).
In the absence of the channel, the conformance of the link shall be used to verily conformance with ISO IEC 11801-3.
Specifications marked ff* are preliminary specifications, and are not required for conformance to this document.
NOTE The agØcabte efivlronment or ISO1EC IIaol-1.2v17. 6.2.2. local 10 the Cabling Of Cabling COnOnent4e). is that of the exiernal environment or that modified environment created by use of mitigating insiallahen t.chn.qu.s.
5 Structure of the generic cabling system
5.1 General
Clause 5 identifies the functional elements of generic cabling for industrial premises. describes how they are connected together to form subsystems and idCntifies the interfaces at which application-specific components are connected. Applications listed in ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017. Annex E, are supported by connecting active equipment at the TOs and the distributors.
In general. all functional elements, subsystems and Interlaces from the campus distributor to the floor distributor as described in ISO/IEC 11801-1 are applicable.
5.2 Functional elements
In addition to the functional elements of ISOIEC 11801-1. cablIng In accordance with this document specifies the following functional elements:
a) floor distributor (FD),
b) floor cable.
c) intermediate distributor (ID),
d) intermediate cable.
e) consolidation point (CP) — optional.
f) consolidation cable (CP cable).
9) telecommunications outlet (TO).
As shown in Figure 3. an ID is able to serve TOs on separate pieces 01 apparatus or multiple TOs on a single piece of apparatus. The type and nature of the apparatus cabling are beyond the scope of this document.
Groups 01 the functional elements are connected together to form cabling subsystems.
9.3 Optical fibre cables
Cabled optical fibres shall meet the requirements 01 ISO/IEC 11801.1:2017, 9.5.
10 Connecting hardware requirements
10.1 General requirements
Connecting hardware Is Installed:
a) In a campus distributor permitting connections to building backbone and campus backbone cabling and equipment (it provided);
b) In a building distributor permitting connections to the backbone cabling and equipment (If provided);
C) in a floor distributor providing the cross.connections between backbone and floor cabling and permitting connections to equipment (if provided);
d) In an intermediate distributor providing the cross-connections between floor and intermediate cabling and permitting connections to equipment (if provided):
e) aittieTO;
f) at bulkheads.
10.2 Connecting hardware for balanced cabling
10.2.1 General requirements
See ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017, 10.1.
10.2.2 Electrical, mechanical and environmental performance Connecting hardware at the TO using four pairs at the TO
See ISG1EC 11801-12017. 10.2, 10,6 and 10.9.
Where space is a consideration and a smaller interlace is needed, connecting hardware meeting the mechanical and physical requirements of IEC 61076•2-109 X-coding may also be used.
Pair rearrangement at the TO should not involve modification of the intermediate cable terminations. II pair rearrangement is used at the TO. the configuration of the Outlet terminations shall be clearly identified, ConnectIng hardware at the TO using two pairs at the TO
Where a smaller housing is required and where the provision of only two balanced pairs is
acceptable, connecting hardware meeting the mechanical and physical requirements of
IEC 61076-2-101 D-coding may also be used as an alternative to that specified in 102.2.1.
See ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017, 10.2 and 10.8.
If four pair cables are used with two pair connectors, the unused pairs shall be terminated to match the nominal impedance of the cable pairs. The same pair count shall be used throughout the link or channei.
When two physically similar cabling links are used in the same installation (tot example. different performance categories and cables with different nominal impedance) special precautions are required to ensure that they are properly identified. Connecting hardware at other locations
The requirements of and are based upon the categories 01 connecting hardware specified in the reference implementations of Clause 8. For channel, permanent link, and CP link design routes to conformance, as specified in Clause 4. other connecting hardware can be used at places other than the TO.
ISO IEC 11801-3:2017 download
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