ISO IEC 27014:2013 download free

06-30-2021 comment

ISO IEC 27014:2013 download free.Information technology – Security techniques – Governance of information security.
This koinmciidatpc,n International Standard provides guidance on conccpui and principles for thc gos’cnlance of information security, by which organbations can evaluate, direct. monitor and communicate the infonna*ion security related activities within the organisatioii.
ISO IEC 27014 is applicable to all types and sizc ofaganisanoni
2 %ormathc references
The following Recommendations and lnicrniitional Standards contain provisions which, through rekrence in this lczt. cams.ntulc provisions of this Rccotn,nendation Inteinational Standard At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Reccmtmendaliuns and Standards are taibject to res-iaaon, and pie to agreements bated on this Reconuncndation lmcmauonal Standard arc encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Reconimendaucins and Standards lixivd below. Members of 1Ff’ and ISo maintain rcg*aters of curnmdy valid lnicrnational Standards. The Tclccommunwation Standardization Bureau of the ITU maintains a list of currently valid ITtJ-T Rectaninendatmomis
ISOIEC 27000:2009, Inliwmrnkis Technology – Security rechtuques – laformwioa securfl managememu t-vskms – Oisn’iei, amid iocmjbtdan
3 Definitions
For the pwposes of ISO IEC 27014, the terms and dclinitions in 1501Ff’ 27000:2009 and the folk,wtng dctiniuons apply:
executive managenrent
person or group of people who have delegated responsibility front the governing body for implementation of strategies and policies to accomplish the purpose of the organisation.
NOTE I Executive maaagenscnt form part of top management: For clarity of rules, this standard distinguishes between two groups within top management: the governing hotly and executive management.
NOTE 2 Executive management can include Chief Executive Officers (CEOSI Heads of Government Organizations, Chief Financial Officers ((‘lOw). Chief Operating Officciw ((‘(X)w). (‘hid Information Officers ((‘lOw), (‘hief Information Security Officers (CISOs). and like roles
gas erming beds
person or group of people who arc accountable for the performance and conformance of the organisatlsmn
NOTE Governing body forms pert of top management For clarity of roles, this standard dtstinguialics between two gniupa within tap management: the governing body and executive management.
garrI,ance or laformatbit. seem-h)
tystem by which an saganisation’s tnfonnation security activities arc directed and controlled
many person or organisation that can affect, be affected by. or perceive themselves to be affected by an activity of the organisatkmn.
NOTE A decision maker ran he a atakeholder.
Whereas the overarching scope of governance of information technology aims at resources required to sequire, process. store and dtsserninase infirmation. the scope of gosemance of information security covets confidentiality, integrity and availability of infonnation. Both governance schemes need to be handled by the following governance processes: EDM (Esaluate. Direct MonitoriL However the governance of infomiatioct seeurity requires the additional internal process “communicate”,
The tasks required of the governing body so establish governance of information security are described in ClauseS. Governance tasks are also related to management requtrements specified in ISO IEC 27001 as well as to other standards of the ISMS thmily. as referenced in the Bibliography.
5 Principles and processes
3.1 (hen len
This clause describes the principles and processes that, together. form the governance of information security. Governance principles of mfonnaiion secunty are accepted rules for governance action or conduct that act as a guide for the implementation of governance. A governance process for information security describes a series of tasks enabling the governance of information security and their interrclationships. It also shows a relationship between governance and the management of information security. These two components are expLained in the following subclaincs.
5.2 PrInciples
Meeting the needs of stakeholders and delivering value to each of them is integral to the success of infonnation security in the long term. To achieve the governance objective of aligning information security closely with the goals of the business and to deliver value to stakeholders, this sub-clause sets out six action-oriented principles.
The principles provide a good foundation for the tnlensentarion of governance processes for mfonnation security. The statement of each principle refers to what should happen. but does not prescribe how, when or by whom the principles would be implemented because these aspects are dependent on the nature of the organisatton implementing the principles. The governing body should require that these principles be applied and appoint sosneosse with responsibility, accountability, and authonty to implement them.
Principle): Establish oqaislsatloa-n ide Information security
Governance of information security should ensure that information security actnritses are comprehensive and integrated. Information security should be handled at an organisational level with decisioninaking taking into account business. information security, and all other relevant aspects. Activities concerning physical and logical secur ty should be closely a
To establish organisatson.w-tde security, responsibility and accountability for infornialion security should be established across the full span of an organisation’s activities. This regularly extends beyond the generally perceived ‘borden’ of the orgisnisation e.g with information being stored or trunsferved by external partiet
Prltsclplr 2: Adopt a risk-based approach
Governance of information security should be based on risk-based decisions. fletermining how much security is acceptable should be based upon the risk appetite of an organisation. including loss of competitive advantage. compliance and liability risks, operational disniptions. reputational ha and financial kisa
To adopt an infonnalion riak management appropriate to the organisation. it should be consistent and integrated with the organisation’s overall risk management approach. Acceptable levels of infonnation security should be defined based upon the risk appetite of an organisatson including the loss of competitive advantage, compliance and liability risks, operational dianiptions. reputational lsarsn. and financial losses. Appropriate resources to implement information risk management should be allocated by the governtng body.
PrInciple 3: Set ths direction of lnsestnsent deelkwss
Governance of tnfonnation security should establish an infonsation security investment strategy based on business outcomes achieved, resulting in ha,nsonization between business and infomtation security requirements. both in short and long term., thereby meeting the current and evolving needs of stakeholden.
To optimize information security investments to support organisational objectives, the governing body should ensure that inlbrniation security is integrated with existtng organtsation processes for capttal and operational expenditure. for legal and regulatory compliance, and for risk reporting.
Principle 4: Insure conformance with internal and external rrqulrrnsrnis
Governance of infonnation security should ensure that information security policies and practices conform to relevant mandatory legislation and regulations, as well in committed business or contractual requirements and other external or internal raquirementa.
To address conformance and compliance issues, the governing body should obtain assurance that infonnation security activities are satisfactorily meeting internal and external requit’eissenta by commissioning independent security audits.
PrInciple 5: l’ostrr a seearlti -positive rnslroaosent
Governance of information security should be buih upon lssnnan behaviour, including tlse evolving needs of all the stakeholders, since histnait behaviour is one of the fundamental elensents to support the appropriate level of information security. If not adequately coordinated, the objectives, roles, responsibilities and resources may conflict with each other. resulting in the failure to meet business objectives. Therefore, hnsnizatiots and concerted orientation between the various stakeholders is very important
To establish * positive information security culture, the governing body should require. promote and support coordination of stakehsolder activittes to achieve a coherent direction for infonnation security. This will support the delivery of security education, training and awareness prngranss.

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