ISO 13643-2:2013 download free.Ships and marine technology Manoeuvring of ships Part 2 : Turning and yaw checking.
This part of ISO 13643 defines symbols and terms and provides guidelines (or the conduct of tests to give evidences about the turning ability and the yaw containment of surface ships, submarines, and models It is intended that it be read in conjunction with ISO 13643-1.
2 NormatIve references
The following documents, In whole or In part, are normatively referenced In ISO 13643-2 and are Indispensable for Its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 13643-1, Ships and marine technology — Manceuvring of sJiips — Part 1: General concepts, quantities and test conditions
ISO 13643-5, Ships and marine technology — Manoeuwrln.g of ships — PartS: Submarine specials
ISO 80000.1, QuantIties and units — Part 1: General
ISO 80000-3, Quantities and units — Part 3: Space and time
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of ISO 13643-2, the following terms and definitions apply.
turning circle test
manoeuvring test to determine the ship’s turning characteristics due to application of manoeuvring devices during the period of transient motion and the ensuing steady turn depending on initial speed. rudder angle or equivalent, and direction of turn
accelerating turn test
manoeuvrlng test to determine the ship’s behaviour when accelerating from stand-still and simultaneously applying the manoeuvrlng devices hard over
thruster turning test
manoeuvring test to determine the capability to turn a ship at zero speed by using Its thrusters and to determine the limiting speed at which no more turning effect from bow thrusters can be obtained
Nose I to entry: This test Is reievant to all types and arrangements of tunnel- or azimuth-thrusters. However. dynamic positioning or traversing tests are beyond the scope of this part of ISO 13643.
zig-zag test
manoeuvrlng lest to determine the ship’s turning and yaw checking ability depending upon Initial speed, the amount of manoeuvrlng devices effect app)ied, and execute change of heading at which the manoeuvrlng device is applied In the opposite direction (execute change of heading)
6 Test 2.1 — Turning circle test
6.1 General
In addition to the general test conditions outlined In ISO 13643-1 and ClauseS, the following conditions shall be compiled with:
— The ship shall be at a steady speed V0 before commencing the test. During the test, the propulsion plant settings must remain unaltered.
— turingtheapproach, theship isgoingstraight ahead atasteadyspeed without significantapplication of a manoeuvring device for at least two minutes. For ships unstable in yaw, realistic minimum manoeuvrlng device angles should be used during the approach. it is important that during the approach, the ship has as little yaw velocity as possible. To start the test, the manoeuvrlng devices are applied as required by the specific test as fast as possible In the required direction of the turn and are maintained at that setting during the rest of the test (beginning of the application at t = 0). Following a transient phase, the turn will become steady, I.e. the rate of turn, ship’s speed, heel, and drift angle will then all be constant. The steady turn may be disturbed by external influences.
— Applying the manoeuvring devices equally to port (P) or starboard (5) may result in differing responses of the vessels (e.g. dissimilar turning diameters). Consequently, the direction olturn for which the data were measured must be recorded. The conduct of port and starboard turning circles using the same settings of the manoeuvring devices should be attempted consecutively from the same initial heading, preferably into wind.
— The test is completed after a change of heading of at least 3600.
If the submarine’s track cannot be determined by means of an inertia platform onboard, the measured speeds Vor u have to be used. Generally, it is sufficient to assume uVand to calculate the rate of change of the global coordinates x and j’0 by the formulae
7.3 Designation of an accelerating turn test
tesignation olan accelerating turn test according to ISO 13643. Part 2(2) Test 2 (2). carried out with the direction or turn to starboard (S):
Accelerating turn test Iso 13643 – 2.2 x S
8 Test 2.3 — Thruster turning test
8.1 General
In addition to the general test conditions outlined In Iso 13643.1 and ClauseS, the following conditions shall be complied with:
— The test can be performed with all possible combinations of bow and stern thrusters and at different power stages, respectively. if provided. If. however, several bow and possibly stern thrusters are installed, it is recommended to agree upon a rational selection of thruster combinations for the tests. Consideration should be given to conducting turning tests using stern thrusters if fitted.
— Each test run shall commence from the same initial heading, preferably Into wind, and after the Initial speed has been kept constant, or the ship has been stationary for at least two minutes.
— Tests at zero speed shall only be attempted when wind conditions are such that the thrusters are able to achieve a reasonable turning effect in either direction.
— Manoeuvring devices are kept in the neutral position, o, during the test runs.
— The thruster power/speed, manoeuvring device angle, heading, rate olturn, ship’s speed, propeller speed/pitch, and, If azimuth-thrusters are used, the thruster angle are to be continuously recorded.
8.2 Test at zero speed (Z)
The vessel Is turned by means of a defined thruster power off the wind to starboard (S) by 60°. TImes are to be taken for course changes of d4 15°. 30°, and 60°. When a deviation from the initial heading of 60° has been achieved, the thrusters are reversed at the same power. The overshoot angle, and the overshoot time. &,, are to be recorded.
The ship is turned back through the initial heading. Times are measured at = 60°, 30°. and 0°.
The thruster(s) are stopped after reaching the Initial heading. The test results should be presented as shown In Fgure3
After this, the ship is prepared again and the same procedure is carried out to port (P).
If there is a significant difference in the tt, for tests to P or S. further test runs shall be performed
to both sides.
8.3 Presentation of the results of a thruster turning test at zero speed
The results of a zero speed turning test can be presented as shown at Figure .
8.4 Thruster turning test at speed ahead (A)
The ship approaches at a constant speed. V0 (e.g. 2 kn). During the test, the setting of the propulsion plant remains unaltered, Alter the ship has been going straight ahead for at least two minutes without significant application of the manoeuvring devices, the test proper Is started. For ships which are unstable in yaw, realistic minimum nianoeuvring device angles shall be used during the approach.
By means of thrusters, the ship Is turned out of the wind by 300 to starboard. The times for heading changes of 150 and 300 are to be recorded. if there is a need for tests to both sides (see B2). the ship is repositioned into wind and the same procedure is carried out to part.
If a turning motion of the ship by use of tunnel bow thrusters can be recognized, further tests [pairs of tests, respectively) are to be carried out at increased initial speeds (e.g. in steps of 2 kn).
The ship’s speed at which no more significant turning effect can be observed shall be recorded as threshold speed. VL.
The turning rate shall be presented as the function of initial speed as per Figure 4.
If azimuthing thrusters are fitted, it is recommended that the test be commenced with the ship at rest and the thrusters trained athwartshlps. When the initial speed Is increased In steps and diminished turning effects are observed, the thruster(s) ought to be turned successively aft in steps of 100 or 15°. II at higher Initial speeds and at 450 aft direction of the thruster(s) no more significant turning is observed. the series of tests is closed.
With azimuthing thrusters, turning tests are necessary for one direction of turn only.
ISO 13643-2:2013 download free
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