ISO IEC 22536:2013 pdf free download

06-30-2021 comment

ISO IEC 22536:2013 pdf free download.Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol (NFCIP-1) — RF interface test methods.
ISO IEC 22536 is part of a suite of standards that specify tests for ISOI1EC 18092. It defines test methods for the RF-interface. ISO IEC 22536 specifies RF4est methods for NFCIP-1 devices with antennas fitting within the reclangutar area of 50 mm by 40 mm.
This test standard, the first of two parts, specifies compiance tests for the RF interface of ISOIIEC 18092 devices. The companion test standard ISOIIEC 23917 specifIes protocol tests for ISOIIEC 18092.
2 Conformance
A system implementing ISOJIEC 18092 is in conformance with ISO IEC 22536 if it meets all the mandatory requirements specified herein.
3 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document For dated references, only the edition cited plles, For undated references, the Latest edition of the referenced document (Includ1g any amendments) applies.
ISO1EC 18092:_i. Information technology — T&ecornmunlcations end infonnalion exchange between systems — Near Field Communication — Interface and Protocol (NFCIP-1)
ISO!IEC 10373-6:2011. IdentifIcation cards— Test methods — Part 6: Proximity cards
4 Conventions and notations
4.1 RepresentatIon of numbers
The following conventions and notations apply ai ISO IEC 22536 unless otherwise stated. Letters and digits In single quotes represent numbers In hexadecimal notation.
— Th.valueotabdtlsdenot.dby(O)bor(1)b.
— Bit patterns are represented by strings of digits 0 and I shown with the most slficant bit to the left within parentheses. thin audi strings, X may be used to indicate that the value of a bit is not specified within the string.
NOTE Y*en the antenna larger than ‘Class r, the Reference Device I cods as defined in ISOIIEC 103734:201 Il
Amd,1 Mnev Di nisy b used In eddelon 10th. Reference Devtc 3
7.4.3 Reference Device resonance frequency tuning
See ISO1IEC 10373-6, 5.4.3.
8 Functional Test — Initiatot’
8.1 InitIator RF field detection
8.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this lest is to verify that the Initiator detects an external RF field with a field strength higher than specified In 8.4 of ISO1EC 18092.
8.1.2 Test proc.dur.
The test assembly as specified m 7.3 is used
The RF power delivered by the signal generator to the Test PCD antenna shall be adjusted to the requied
fIeld strength in the range of 0 up to H, as measured by the calibration cod without any NFCIP-1 devioe The output of the test circuit is connected to a digital sampling oscilloscope. The potentiometer P1 shall be trimmed to minlinize the residual carrier. This signal shall be at least 40 dB lower than the signal obtained by shorng one sense coil so that it can be used to detect If the OUT switches on the RF field.
The NFCIP-1 device under test shalt ti. placed ei the DUT position, concenthc with sense coil a. The DUT shad be set into Initiator mode.
The signal generator shaM start to generate a non-modulated RF.fteld at the frequency ft. The field strength shad be inaeased Irnearty in the range from 0 Up to maximum field strength Hm whid, can be applied, not preventing the Initiator to switch on its RF field.
The test shaM verify if the Initiator correctly hancdes its RF-f.eld:
The DUT passes this test if H,, is below H7,
8.1.3 Test report
The test report shall indicate whether the Initiator behaves correctly according to the Procedure described In
8.2 InitIator field strength In active and passive communication mode
8.2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this test Is to verity that the field strength produced by an Initiator in its operating volume as specified ii 8.2 ol ISO/IEC 18092
L5.2.2 Test procedure
The test assembly as defined in 7.3 is used.
Under the conditions defined n the Initiator shall detect the modulation waveform sent by the test
assembly and continue normal operation. Test report
The test report shall coi*m the intended operation of the Initiator. Used test condeons shall be mentioned ii the test report.
8.5.3 BIt rates of 212 kbiVs and 424 kblt?s Test condition
See ISOJIEC 10373., Test procedure
The test assembly as defined In 7.3 is used.
Under the conditions defined en the Initiator shall detect the modulation waveform sent by the test assembly and continue normal operation. Test report
The test report shall confwm the Intended operation of the Initiator, Used test conditions shall be mentioned en
the test report.
8.6 Initiator maximum loading effect test in active communication mode (Optional)
8.6.1 Purpose
The purpose of this test Is to understand that the loading effect of the ln6ator dunng reception en active
communication mode is whether less or more than that of the Reference Device.
8.6.2 Test procedure
As defined for the Class 3 P1CC in ISO/1EC 10373-8:2OlOIAmd.1. 72.4.2 and a DC voltage at CON3 of 4.5 V.
8.6.3 Test report
See ISO1IEC 10373.6.
9 Functional Test — Target
9.1 Target load modulation transmission In passive communication mode
9.1.1 Purpose
The ptrpose of these tests es to verify that the amplitude of the Targets load modulation signal is as specified In and of ISO1IEC 16092
9.1.2 Test procedure
ISOIIEC 18092 specifies 3 different bit rates For the passive communication mode. The test for the Target ii
the passive conunicabon mode shal be performed at 106 kblt/s, 212 kbits and 424 kbWs.
9.12.1 Test procedure for 106 kbWs
As defined for the P1CC in ISOIIEC 10373-8, 7.2.1,2. Test report at 106 kbltls
If the amplitudes of the upper sideband fc’fs and the lower sideband fc-fs respectively are above the values specified in ISO/IEC 18092 then this test passes Test procedure for 212 kbltls and 424 kbitis
As specified For the P1CC Wi ISO1IEC 10373-6. but replace subcaffie by carfler.
A REQA or REOB command sequence shall be replaced by a Polilig Request command specified in ISO/IEC 18092. and a signet or load modulation response shall be replaced by a Pomlng Response command specified in ISO?IEC 18092 Test report at 212 kbitls and 424 kbit$s
If the amplitudes of the modulated data are above the values specified in ISOIIEC 18092 then this test passes
9.2 Target field strength in active communication mode
Execute 8.2 for Target.
9.3 Target modulation index and waveform transmission in active communication mode
Execute 8.3 for Target.
9.4 Target modulation Index and waveform reception In active and passive communication
Execute 8,5 by exdianglng Target and Initiator.
9.5 Target maximum loading effect test In Passive communicatIon mod. (Optional) See 8.6 for Target.

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