ISO 2255:1996 pdf free download

07-14-2021 comment

ISO 2255:1996 pdf free download.Coriander ( Coriandrum sativum L . whole or ground ( powdered ) – Specification.
1 Scope
ISO 2255 specifics the requirenients for coriander (Conandrum sativum U. in the whole arid ground (powdered] forms.
Recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions are given in annex A.
2 Normative references
The foflowing standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text. constitute provisions of this International SISO 2255tandard. At the tune of pubbcation, the editions indicated wre valid. ADD ct3nd3rd3 are subiect to revision, and parties to agceements based on ISO 2255 are encouraged to investigate the possb4ity of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of DEC end ISO maintain registers of currently vad Intemation& Standards.
ISO 927:1982, Spices and condiments — Detennsnation of extraneous matter content.
SO 928:—”. Spices and condiments — Deterrnnation of total ash.
ISO 930:2. Spices and condiments — Determination of acid-insoluble ash.
ISO 939:1980. Spices and condiments — Determination of moisture content — Entrainment method
ISO 948:1980. Spice3 ard condiments — Samp(ing. ISO 12081982. Spices and condiments — Determination of filth.
1) To be publihod. (Revi&on of ISO 928:1980)
2) To be published. (Revision of ISO 930:1980
ISO 6571:1964. Spices, condlmerrts and herbs — Determination of inti.b oil content.
3 Description
Coriander is the dried mature fruit of Conandrum satNum L The colour of the fruit is yellowish brown to light brown and the shape is generally spherical to eliptical, measuring about 2 mm to 6 mm in diameter.
4 Requirements
4.1 Grades
On the basis of the presence of extraneous matter, split fruits. and damaged, discoloured. immature, shriveed end weewifled fruits, whole coriander shall be graded in three grades (Grades 1, 2 and 3).
4.2 ClassificatIon of whole corland.r
Whole coriander fruits shall be cLassified Into two groups, A and B. according to the vo?atde oil content.
4.3 Odour and flavour
Coriander, either whole or ground (powdered), shall have a typical aroma and flavnur characteristic of the spice. It shall be free from musty odour.
4.4 Freedom from moulds, Insects, etc.
Coriander, whole or yround (powdered), shall be free from living insects, and shall be practically free from rnoulds, dead insects, insect fragments and rodent contamination visible to the naked eye (corrected, if necessary, for abnormal vison) or with such magnification as may be necessary in any particular case. If the maifkation exceeds x 10. this fact shall be mentioned in the test report.
In case of dispute, the contamination of coriander m
ground (powdered) form shall be determined by the
method described in SC) 1208.
4.5 Extraneous matter
For the purposes of IISO 2255, all materials other than coriander seeds end all other matter of anfrnal, vegetable or mineral origin shall be considered as extraneous matter.
The total percentage of extraneous matter in whole conarider shall not exceed the values specified n ta ble 1 when determined by me method specified rn
ISO 927.
4.6 Split fruits
This includes fnits that have been spfrt longitudinally into two parts. The percentage of split fruits in whole coriander shall not exceed the vabies specified in table 1.
4.7 Damaged, discoloured, Immature,
shriv.tI.d arid w•.vitl.d fruits
This includes whole or split fruits that are damaged. discoloured or shrivelled end also includes those showing signs of partial cc whole bores as a result of their having been eaten by weevils or others Insects. The percentage of such defective fruits in whole coriander shall not exceed the values specified In tablel.
4.8 of ground coriander
Ground (powdered) coriander shelf pass completely through a sieve of nominal aperture size 500 m.
4.9 Chemical requirements
Coriander, whole and ground (powdered), shall cornp y with the requirements specified in table 1, when tasted in accordance with the specified methods.
5 Sampling
Sampling shall be carried out as specified in ISO 948.
6 Test methods
Samples of coriander sliafl be analysed to ensure conformity with the requirements of ISO 2255 by following the methods of physical and chemical analysis specified in 4.4 to 4.9 as well as in table 1.
7 Packing and marking
7.1 Packing
Wio1e or ground (powdered) coriander shall be packed n clean and sound containers made of a mater’& which doe5 not affect the product but which protects it from the ingress or loss of moisture and vdattle matter.
The packaging shall also cor’y with any national legislation relating to environmental protection.
7.2 Marking
The forlowing p&ticulars shell be marked crectty on each co tamer/Package or shal be marked on a label attached to the package:
a) name of the product and tradename, if any;
b) name and address of the producer or packer, or trade rnar)ç if any;
c) code or betch number;
d) net mass:
e) producing country;.
f) any other infomWon requested by the purchaw, such as the year of harvest and the date of packing Cit known); and
g) reference to ISO 2255.

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