ISO 5423:1992 download

07-25-2021 comment

ISO 5423:1992 download.Moulded plastics footwear Lined or unlined polyurethane boots for general industrial use — Specification.
ISO 5423 specifies requirements for boots. moulded from polyurethane compound, for general Industrial use. The boots may be either fabric-lined or unlined and of any style from ankle boots to full thigh height Inclusive.
2 NormatIve references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference In this text, constitute provisions of ISO 5423. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on ISO 5423 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions ol the standards Indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 37:1977, Rubber, vulcanized — Determination of tensile stress-strain properties.
ISO 48:1979, Vulcanized rubbers — DeterminatIon of hardness (Hardness between 30 and 85 IRHD).
Iso 458-1:1985, Plastics — Determination of stiffness in torsion of flexible materials — Part 1: General method.
ISO/R 463:1965, Dial gauges reading in 0.01 mm. O.Kfl in and 0f%X I In.
ISO 471:1983, Rubber — Standard temperatures, humidities and limes for the conditioning and testing of test pieces.
ISO 10335:1990, Rubber and plastics footwear — Nomencla lure.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of ISO 5423, the delinitlons given in ISO 10335 apply,
4 DesIgn requirements
NOTE I Suggested ranges for the heights ol boots are given in annex F.
4.1 SolIng pattern
The soling shall have radiused corners at the base of the sole pattern and the radius for such corners shall be not less than 1,5 mm.
NOTE 2 The pattern of the soling can have a significant effect on the formation of premature cracks.
4.2 MInimum thicknesses
The minimum thicknesses of the boot shall be In accordance with table I for each Individual value obtained when measured as described in annex A.
4.3 MaterIals and components
The upper, soling and heel shall be moulded from homogeneously mixed polyurethane compound. It may be cellular or a combination of cellular and non-cellular.
5 PhysIcal prop.rtl.s
5.1 G.n.raI
Materials from the upper and material from the sole shall be tested as two separate compounds, even if the boot is known to have been made by a single Injection process. Test pieces from the material of the boot shall be prepared by any of the permitted procedures given in ISO 37.
5.2 Reslstanc. to flexIng of boo4 upper
When tested in accordance with the method described In annex B with one test piece in each direction of flexing, no cracidng of the types specified in annex B shall occur in either durIng 150000 flex cycles.
5.3 TenslI. prop.rtl.s
The modulus at 100 % elongation and the elongation at break of the upper and the soling shell be determined In accordance with the method described in ISO 37 at 23 •C ± 2 C, using where practicable type I dumb-bell test pieces taken from the product
The dIrection of test shall be along the sole and up the leg. It it I. necessary because of the shortage of material, to use the smaller, type 2. dumb-bell test piece, the size of the dumb-bell used shall be stated when expressing results.
Where practicable, test pieces shall be 2.0 mm ± 0,2 mm thick; if necessary, in order to ensure that no fabric Is Included In the test places, thinner test pieces shall be used, and the thickness used shall be stated wh•n expressing rsults. In the
Two test pieces shall be used, cut such that the major axis of one test piece was aligned up the leg of the boot and that of the other across It.
A graph shall be prepared showing the relationships between deflection and temperature, and from this the temperature at an angle of 200° deflection of each test piece shall be determined. A deduction of 0.5 °C shall be made for each 0.03 mm of the thickness of a test piece above 1.30 mm. and an addition of 0.5 .C shall be made for each 0,03 mm of the thickness below 1.27 mm. The arithmetic mean of the two results shall be recorded as the cold flex temperature of the part under test.
5.6 ResIstance of solIng to cut growth (flexing test)
When parts of the soling are tested in accordance with annex C at a temperature of —5 °C ± 2 C, using three test pieces cut parallel to the centreline of the sole (see figure 1), the thickness of the soling compound shall be not less than 50 % of the test piece thIckness and the number of flexing cycles to achieve 6 mm cut growth shall be not less than 150 000 for each test piece when the measurements of cut growth are confined to the outside surface of the test piece.
5.7 SplIt tear strength
When parts of the cellular soling are tested in accordance with the method given In annex 0, the minimum strength in both directions shall be 3,5 Nmm of width.
5.S R.ststanc. to hydrotysis
51.1 When parts of the upper and soling are tested as required In 5.3 after preparation and conditioning In accordance with annex E, the change In elongation at break shall not exceed 20 %.
5.1.2 Wh•n parts of th• soling are In accordance with the method described in annex C. after preparation and conditioning In accordance with annex E. the testing being carried out at —5 C ± 2 C, th. orIginal 2 mm cut shall have increased by not more than 6 mm after 150 000 cycles.
5.1.3 When parts of the upper are tested In accordance with the method described In annex B at —5 C ± 2 C. after preparation and conditioning In accordance with annex E, no cracking shall occur during arid up to 150 000 flex cycles.
• Marking
Each article or footwear shall be indelibly and legibly
msrkd with the followIng:
a) the size, stamped on the Inside or moulded on the waist of the outsole;
b) the manufacturers or supplier’s Identification, Including the name, trademark or other means of Identification of the country of manufacture, distributor or retailer,
c) the reference number of ISO 5423.

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